August 2013 News - Northern California Division Officers Updated

2016-2017 Northern California Division Officers

The following officers were elected at the June 10, 2016 Annual Members Meeting:

Chair:  Sándor Mándoki - HALB

Vice-Chair: Scott Cunningham - HALB

Treasurer: Lauren Rath - EBFG

Secretary: Nancy Philippine - n/a


2015-2016 Northern California Division Officers

The following officers were elected at the June 13, 2015 Annual Members Meeting:

Chair:  Rich Koch - GGFC

Vice-Chair: Scott Cunningham - HALB

Treasurer: Lauren Rath - EBFG

Secretary: Nancy Philippine - EBFG


2014-2015 Northern California Division Officers

The following officers were elected at the June 9, 2014 Annual Members Meeting:

Chair:  Rich Koch - GGFC

Vice-Chair: Rob Rhea - EBFG

Treasurer: Lauren Rath - EBFG

Secretary: Nancy Philippine - EBFG


2013-2014 Northern California Division Officers

The following officers were elected at the June 8, 2013 Annual Members Meeting:

Chair: Rob Rhea - EBFG

Vice-Chair: Rich Koch - GGFC

Treasurer: Jonathan Jefferies - UNAT

Secretary: Nancy Philippine - EBFG